August 27, 2010

First Blog!

My very first blog! Alright, well I'll talk about my first of week of school, since I had to create an account from here for my English class. I have other blogs and such, so this shouldn't be a problem for me. Plus, I like to blog anyways. Anyways, my first week of school! I started Wednesday, earlier this week. Number one thing I hate about school: waking up early. I hate that so much! I'm not a morning person at all. Not one bit. For example, all summer I stayed up. I lived the opposite life. Morning was my sleeping time, throughout the afternoon. Then nighttime was the time I woke up and did stuff. I was nocturnal I guess you could say. So for school, I woke up extremely early, around five? I don't know why I woke up so early either. School doesn't start until like 8 or something. But I did so, and I had lots of time in the morning to do absolutely nothing. I left the house at around six-forty five and went off to school. Even though school starts at eight something, I'm usually always at school by 7:10. I just hang with my friends and stuff, and I prefer not to ride the bus in the morning. So I just ride with my mom. But at last I was at school, and saw my best friend Molly! But I've seen her all summer so it wasn't anything really. So then we went to check out lockers and such, my locker is all the way on the other side of the school! I'm probably not even going to use it that much because it's so far away from my classes. And I don't want to run back and forth and risk being late to class. That would not be cool. Nor fun. I wish I could change my schedule up a little bit too! I have lunch at 5th period, which is kinda okay with me, at least it's not 6th. I think I would die from starvation! But my morning classes are fine, but I have study hall 4th. And I'm still debating whether or not if I should take it out. I really, really, really want art! My cousin keeps telling me I need it for the career academy or whatever, so I'm trying to get in, but the counselor said the classes are full! So I'm stuck not knowing what to do. But my other friend said I don't need it. But I'd rather have it because I rather have the class and get it over with anyways. This is my last year at this high school if I could hopefully make it into that academy. I don't really like this school year so far though, it looks challenging. I'm not looking forward with that. But I think i'll survive. I just won't have as much fun as I did last year. I think last year was awesome! I wonder if this year will be the same, I somewhat doubt it but I have a whole year in front of me so we'll have to see from then on.