April 26, 2011


                   Misunderstandings can lead to something so painful. Happiness can be taken away so quickly. But yet if people try to work things out and just try, I'm pretty sure they can find it again. Happiness is a funny thing. Because it can be in any forms. Really happy, like nothings wrong, but you know, that can't always last. Or maybe it's the happy where it's just 50/50. Your only halfway there. Or the most  painful one where your just partially holding happiness. That one hurts so much.
                   If people were happy once before, it goes on with the saying you can do it again. It may be different, but nothing ever stays the same. It changes. Like us. And by how people change, then their happiness will change, right? But if people want to be happy, then they can make it  happen. It may take time, but if someone is truly commited in trying to, then I can think they can be.
                  But with misunderstandings. Maybe perhaps other people don't see how hard you try to be happy. And when things start to fall into pieces, then that's what causes the pain. Because the situation is like the other person thinks differently. Even if they wanted the same thing, they try differently, or have a different pace of how things are to be wanted. That's so hard. Because if they're both working towards the same goal, then it's going to take time and they should work together. At least make a compromise.

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