October 19, 2010

Japan & China!

Japan looks sooooooooooo pretty and peaceful. :)
That's Kyoto, Japan by the way.

It also looks really fun! I wanna go there someday. :D
& Ryota took a picture like this when he was in Japan this summer and it looked exactly like this.
In Tokyo, Japan.

China looks peaceful but also busy like. I wanna go there.
Hong Kong, China

If I ever had to walk on that, I think it would take me days to finish xD
The Great Wall.

China vs Japan

              China vs Japan - click please.

               I hate reading articles like those.  I hate anything about fighting really, I mean sometimes it is interesting, but yet again, this is just totally unneeded! If you clicked that link above, and read that article I had come across this morning then you would understand. The things people fight about nowadays is just uncalled for. These people need to have a talk about what they are going to do before things get out of hand.
              I'm Chinese. And reading this, it's not good. My boyfriend is Japanese. I think he would be disgusted by this too. I don't think our races should be fighting over land like that.  It's just the islands, it's not going to do much. It's like a game. Whoever gets the land wins and has the most power.  Life should not be like that.  The Chinese should not even be having these anti-Japan rallys. In China nor Japan. And really, why would they go all the way into Japan and have anti-Japan rally? What is that going to do besides making some Japanese people hate those Chinese? It's like a game that nobody wins.
               And what I don't like alot, is when people compare Ryota and I.  Like seriously? What I mean by this is that sometimes people bring up our background's history.  LIke how Japan and China have had lots of tensions run through them and some wars. It gets so annoying! It doesn't even matter, that's like years ago and doesn't even concern us so what's the point of bringing it up? I remember we were both talking about that before and even he agreed it's stupid. I think Japan is cool, he thinks China's cool. We're not living in the past, it's different now. So some people need to keep their comments to themselves. D:<            

October 13, 2010

Dirty Waters...

      On monday in English class, we watched this video on about pollution and what it's doing to our world.  It's sad of what were doing.  A lot of people I think care for the issue, but yet, they don't have the "time" to actually do something about it.  But in a way, they do.  They could always recycle and clean up the earth.
      Animals are starting to die because of this!  This should be a huge eye opener for people.  Animal lovers or not, don't they feel any sympanty? One small little bird had like about over 50 pieces inside it's tiny stomach! That's insanely a large amount, for something so little.  They eat it without knowing what it is, thinking it's food probably.  Then later, they die. So sad.
      Our ocean waters are disgusting.  It's not even just those waters either, lakes, rivers, swamps, it's filthy.  And when we watched that video, that guy from "TED" seemed as if there was no hope.  But I don't think that's the way he should have gone.  I understand he is trying to get a point across, but yet, he should encourage others to push through and help save our world.  We live here, it's our life and how we live it.  This is not the way at all how we should be living.

October 5, 2010

Marine Video

     In our english class, we had to watch this marine video about this veteren and what had happened after him.  He had to go into the war in Iraq and when he came back, he was different.  Before he was going into the war proud and happy. And also determined. But when he came back, he was depressed and suicidal.
     When he came back, he was very different. He didn't even want to be with his wife anymore. Then he thought about killing himself.  Which I think is a super bad idea! I mean, I understand he's been tramatized and saw some horrific sights, but that doesn't mean he should end his life! From what he's seen, I feel that he should live his life and make the best of it and live it for the ones that didn't survive.
      I don't know what had happened after, but it was really sad.  It was as if he was all alone in the world, but really, I think there are a bunch of other people like him.  He's not the only one who had to go through this. And I think that it would best if he met other people like him.  I'm glad he's getting help and I hope he's okay by this day.