December 14, 2010

Insects are tasty?

                      Look at this photo above. How do you react? Disgusted, delighted? Just want to go and eat some? For me, I think it looks so nasty. That pizza with bugs on it looks disgusting, to even think of it inside my mouth and down my stomach, that's gross. It doesn't even look appetizing at all.
                     Yesterday in class, we watched a TED video about this guy explaining the benefits of eating insects. It was an interesting video, made me have thoughts of trying bugs, but then again, it's nasty at the same time. I would try "some", depending on which, but that pizza above, I would never. That's just to far. Maybe something else would be better to try, but I'm afraid at the same time.
                    I think it's good that the guy talking on that video was trying to persuade other people to eat bugs. I mean, we all eat bugs according to him right? Bugs are in tomato soup, proccessed foods, in canned food. It's everywhere, and we eat it without knowing. So why not just eat it off a plate? Well, for one thing, our mind is set on it looking and thinking it'll taste disgusting. Even though it's "good" for you with high protein. But it's like a big thing for people to do because we aren't use to it. But for that guy to point some things out and at least help people to open their eyes a bit more to try new things and be adventurous was a brave thing. I think that after watching that video, at least people would actually think of trying it hopefully.

November 30, 2010

Sickness is not my friend.

                   I'm disgustingly sick. And I hate it so much! I can't stand it, it's one of the things I wish I never have to go through. Every year I always try my hardest not to get sick, and yet, I still get sick like almost every year! I think that, every winter, I've gotten sick at least once or twice. It's ridiculous. Being sick somewhat ruined my Thanksgiving break.
                 This break, I barely ate anything. I didn't even know I was sick at first; it was hard to sleep at night, but it didn't bother me much though. I slept a bit early, well for me, which was around 11 PM. Then woke up almost about 12PM. Tried to go eat, but I couldn't really. And just took some mediciene. Then went to sleep. And woke up around 3PM. I slept so much!
                The weird thing was that I didn't have any other symptons. I just felt very warm and wanted to throw up, which I did do. Hahah. Anyways, I felt so much better on Friday, but funny thing was there was like no more food anymore for me. Oh well, I wasn't even really hungry to eat the food this year, strangely. But then more bad news; I got sick like on Sunday with my nose running and getting a stuffy nose. This sucks. So far, I'm still a bit sick, and yes, I hate it so much.

November 22, 2010

"Ice Ice Baby"

       Someday I really really want to go ice-skating. The sport looks so much fun! And I think I would find it interesting. When I was younger, I use to fantasize myself on the ice, becoming super elegant and graceful. I think it was because I use to watch lots of people skating on ice when I was younger. The tricks they do are amazing, I have tons much respect for them.
       Those tricks, I just can't get over it. It looks very graceful, and like an easy thing to do. But I think that if I was to actually try, I'd just hurt myself.  The spins are awesome, they spin so fast and yet, they are in control. And when they lift their legs up into the air, or one of my favorites, holding another person into the air while skating. Now that is some incredible stuff.
        My boyfriend's mom wants to go skating, maybe sometime this week. And hopefully I'll get to go along and watch her skate, I heard she use to be really good. And then i'd get a teacher! Plus, learning from someone who loves to do that is good, that means I could understand skating much more. From the photo above, Ryota and I were talking about if we could breakdance onto the ice. Haha, that picture is proof! Not that I would try something like that, too extreme for me. :p 


November 16, 2010

Thanksgiving is coming!

             I love Thanksgiving. I think it's one of the best holidays. Mostly because there's a BUNCH of food, and yes, I love food. And my family makes tons of food, it isn't even always related to the holidays. We'll make eggrolls and noodles too! Which I think is even yummier. But I like this holiday because everyone always gets together to basically to me, get fat. And it's okay to stuff your face because you know that everyone else is doing the same.
            I can't even choose what my favorite dish would be, too many things I eat in one day. It's pretty funny when my mom tries to make turkey. She does it like every year, and somewhat as a custom, it always burns. We don't even like turkey much, but yet she still buys a bird and cooks it. It's like a tradition I suppose. I think my brother is always going crazy with the pumpkin pie. Like every year, it's the one thing he cannot wait to eat. I think maybe Latesea too, I can't remember. Well maybe it's just everybody, but my dad likes apple. I think i'm always eating mash potatoes. They are soooo good!
             Another thing I like about it is that my family gets together. And we don't eat once, we eat all day long, and some years the whole week. But I love it, because the food is so good, and we all get together to hang out and just have fun. It's comforting, and we're all happy. Thanksgiving is fun, and also it makes us think back to the pilgrim days.  We should be thankful for the indians and pilgrims back in time. It was a peaceful. I can't wait to eat next week!

November 5, 2010

"I'm so hungry..."

            Yesterday in class, we watched this video about this boy who has prader willy syndrome.  If you don't know what that is, it's a disease where a person is "addicted" to food.  All they want to do is eat food, like all the time.  And it's not where like say your hungry from after school and you just want to eat. This syndrome is more servere. It's when all that person can think about is just food and they have a strong desire just to keep eating.
           It's cruel how people can act towards these people.  From what i've heard, before, a couple years ago, a guy at my school had this. And just for the students amusements, they would throw food onto the ground and he would just dive for it. He couldn't help himself and he just went for the food. It's sad how people can act towards people like that! It's not his fault, he can't help himself. It's just wrong.
            In the video, this boy was just always hungry. So hungry, that his dad had to lock up the kitchen and any areas that contained food. And sadly, Max, the boy, he would have tantrums because all he wanted was just food. As if he was a little kid. And his dad seemed to have a hard time with him when it came to that. He had to make sure he made a timed schedule for when Max could eat. And even if it was about 15 mins before dinner time, Max's stomach would hurt, as if he was getting stabbed multiples as he claimied. I hope he can get help with that. And it makes me happy knowing that his father cares so much about him to try to help him out. It was cute when both of them were talking about how much they loved each other too. That's good that Max knows that he always has that one person to always be there for him when he needs help.

October 19, 2010

Japan & China!

Japan looks sooooooooooo pretty and peaceful. :)
That's Kyoto, Japan by the way.

It also looks really fun! I wanna go there someday. :D
& Ryota took a picture like this when he was in Japan this summer and it looked exactly like this.
In Tokyo, Japan.

China looks peaceful but also busy like. I wanna go there.
Hong Kong, China

If I ever had to walk on that, I think it would take me days to finish xD
The Great Wall.

China vs Japan

              China vs Japan - click please.

               I hate reading articles like those.  I hate anything about fighting really, I mean sometimes it is interesting, but yet again, this is just totally unneeded! If you clicked that link above, and read that article I had come across this morning then you would understand. The things people fight about nowadays is just uncalled for. These people need to have a talk about what they are going to do before things get out of hand.
              I'm Chinese. And reading this, it's not good. My boyfriend is Japanese. I think he would be disgusted by this too. I don't think our races should be fighting over land like that.  It's just the islands, it's not going to do much. It's like a game. Whoever gets the land wins and has the most power.  Life should not be like that.  The Chinese should not even be having these anti-Japan rallys. In China nor Japan. And really, why would they go all the way into Japan and have anti-Japan rally? What is that going to do besides making some Japanese people hate those Chinese? It's like a game that nobody wins.
               And what I don't like alot, is when people compare Ryota and I.  Like seriously? What I mean by this is that sometimes people bring up our background's history.  LIke how Japan and China have had lots of tensions run through them and some wars. It gets so annoying! It doesn't even matter, that's like years ago and doesn't even concern us so what's the point of bringing it up? I remember we were both talking about that before and even he agreed it's stupid. I think Japan is cool, he thinks China's cool. We're not living in the past, it's different now. So some people need to keep their comments to themselves. D:<            

October 13, 2010

Dirty Waters...

      On monday in English class, we watched this video on about pollution and what it's doing to our world.  It's sad of what were doing.  A lot of people I think care for the issue, but yet, they don't have the "time" to actually do something about it.  But in a way, they do.  They could always recycle and clean up the earth.
      Animals are starting to die because of this!  This should be a huge eye opener for people.  Animal lovers or not, don't they feel any sympanty? One small little bird had like about over 50 pieces inside it's tiny stomach! That's insanely a large amount, for something so little.  They eat it without knowing what it is, thinking it's food probably.  Then later, they die. So sad.
      Our ocean waters are disgusting.  It's not even just those waters either, lakes, rivers, swamps, it's filthy.  And when we watched that video, that guy from "TED" seemed as if there was no hope.  But I don't think that's the way he should have gone.  I understand he is trying to get a point across, but yet, he should encourage others to push through and help save our world.  We live here, it's our life and how we live it.  This is not the way at all how we should be living.

October 5, 2010

Marine Video

     In our english class, we had to watch this marine video about this veteren and what had happened after him.  He had to go into the war in Iraq and when he came back, he was different.  Before he was going into the war proud and happy. And also determined. But when he came back, he was depressed and suicidal.
     When he came back, he was very different. He didn't even want to be with his wife anymore. Then he thought about killing himself.  Which I think is a super bad idea! I mean, I understand he's been tramatized and saw some horrific sights, but that doesn't mean he should end his life! From what he's seen, I feel that he should live his life and make the best of it and live it for the ones that didn't survive.
      I don't know what had happened after, but it was really sad.  It was as if he was all alone in the world, but really, I think there are a bunch of other people like him.  He's not the only one who had to go through this. And I think that it would best if he met other people like him.  I'm glad he's getting help and I hope he's okay by this day.

September 24, 2010

Balloons remind me of party events. :D


Homecoming is coming! And I’m very excited! Finally, something fun is coming up at school. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to go last year.  I almost decided to go, but in the end, I didn’t. Well first off, I was going to go, I had everything planned out and I didn’t get a new dress, but I still had one. But then, somehow I just lost interest, and my best friends had decided not to go.  So I thought, what’s the point of me going then?
          This year, I want to go! I went to the March spring dance here last year, and hate to say it but it was boring. Nobody really came, but the only fun I had was that I was with my best friends.  This year, at homecoming, I will be with my best friends and my date and I hear it’s like one of the best dances of the year here. I hope it’s the car dealer place too, because having our dance in the gym sucks.  I bet it gets crowded and stinks. Not what I would like to see in a dance.
          I have no idea whatsoever what color to wear yet. And homecoming is only a few weeks away! Not good! So this week I’m going to be going shopping probably with my best friends to find a new dress. My date and I have to match too, since that’s what he told me. He said couples     have to match, and to me personally that sounds pretty nice but I don’t really care. But this week, I think I should find my dress soon, before I get like an ugly one or something. But I really doubt that would happen. There are lots of pretty dresses, and I just to find the right one for the night.

September 16, 2010

I've walked on that street. :)

The Big Apple!

            This week my grandma from New York is going to fly back.  That makes me incredibly sad.  I’m so used to having her around, that when she leaves it’s going to feel all different.  Well, before, it was what it use to be. But ever since she’s come, everything has changed. Like literally. The food, we eat more Asian dishes than ever. The house, it’s very super neat since she usually stays home. We shop more, because she loves to shop and wants to buy souvenirs before she leaves back.
            New York is an awesome place though, I must admit. I’ve lived there for just a while, and it was fun while it lasted. I couldn’t see myself living there for along time though; it’s more of a place where I can visit. But I’d want to come back home. It’s a nice place though, you could never be bored. There’s always something to do, and I absolutely love riding out on the subways.
            Next summer, which is next year, my mom was talking to my grandma about visiting it. And that makes me super excited because I haven’t visited there in such a long time! I love that place; shopping is the number one thing I do while I’m there. But I’m going to be a bit sad this time leaving here, because of my boyfriend. I don’t want to leave his side in the summer. But this summer he went to Japan and for about 2 months, so me going to New York for say, a month shouldn’t be as painful. But still…overall I do think that if I had the choice I would go, and I think he’d want me to go as well.

September 14, 2010

I really wanna learn this move.  But my version looks a bit still like a handstand.

September 10, 2010


                 Yay, so it’s finally Friday this week. And nothing special has happened this week so far. But today is picture day. Usually I would be the one to dress up but today I’m just like ahh, don’t want to. So I’ve gotten lazier this year.
                Let’s see, this week I haven’t really practicing my dancing as much as I would have liked to. Yeah, I seem to talk about that a lot but that’s what’s always across my mind! But anyways, this week I tried out “floats” which is like, holding yourself up and moving yourself. I’m not sure, but I think it’s a “power move”. But yeah, I tried out the move: “roaches”. A lot of people tend to get that confused with “turtles” and it’s a bit similar but except “roaches” are when you just move backwards. But “turtles” are when you move in a circular motion. And I’m not really a “floats” person, because I like to do freezes and such, but I tried it out. Only because this kid called me out in gym after lunch telling me to break dance.
                 So I was like alright, since I needed to work on stuff and everything else. And so I did that, and I got like six or seven of them! I know that doesn’t sound a lot, but that’s actually a lot if you’re a dancer and that’s your first time trying it out. So I was proud actually! And I don’t really know how it happened, but I did it and so now I’m going to start working a bit more with these. And of course my other moves, but more focused on this for now. I’ll keep up my progress and record what I’ve done on here.

September 3, 2010

Doll face as she was doing her make up and everything.

The Creepy Video...

Earlier this week in class, we had to watch this somewhat creepy video called "Doll Face". What I got out of it was this scary feeling of "what just happened"? It was so weird! Okay, so during English class Tuesday, or maybe it was Monday, I’m not entirely sure but we watched this video and it was weird. So this is what happened. There's this strange looking somewhat alien-ish looking robot with that that alien face. Her eyes are black and she doesn't have a body as a human, but she has this electronical body that comes out of I would guess a jack box? Well she comes out and she's scary looking, like she has no life at all. There's this TV in this white room and she leans into it to watch it. I suppose she got hooked into it and she just wanted to watch this one certain part with this girl's face on it. And I think she got obsessed or something, because she kept wanting to watch it and tried to copy her.
She keeps copying her, and little by little she starts to look like her. All she has is make up on at first, but then the TV is kind of broken, so it doesn't work? And then it comes to life, like you could see more. And she sees eyes, and color onto the face. So she applies more make up, like blush and bronzer and then she sticks an eye into her. Now she has one eye. Over time she starts to look exactly like her. But then she cannot go any further because her mechanical body has a limit and won't let her follow the TV. And then she starts to break down, and her face looks very sad.
From what I got from that video is that she's like most people. It's like people have a role model or at least something, somebody that they would like to admire and follow their actions. And with that creepy robot girl, hers was a human. I think she was just trying to be like somebody else that she looked up too. But I also think she got somewhat obsessed and like, she just couldn't take it any further. She was so into creating herself into something she's not, and I think it's a message to all readers that us as the people shouldn't be obsessed with somebody else, just be yourself.

August 27, 2010

First Blog!

My very first blog! Alright, well I'll talk about my first of week of school, since I had to create an account from here for my English class. I have other blogs and such, so this shouldn't be a problem for me. Plus, I like to blog anyways. Anyways, my first week of school! I started Wednesday, earlier this week. Number one thing I hate about school: waking up early. I hate that so much! I'm not a morning person at all. Not one bit. For example, all summer I stayed up. I lived the opposite life. Morning was my sleeping time, throughout the afternoon. Then nighttime was the time I woke up and did stuff. I was nocturnal I guess you could say. So for school, I woke up extremely early, around five? I don't know why I woke up so early either. School doesn't start until like 8 or something. But I did so, and I had lots of time in the morning to do absolutely nothing. I left the house at around six-forty five and went off to school. Even though school starts at eight something, I'm usually always at school by 7:10. I just hang with my friends and stuff, and I prefer not to ride the bus in the morning. So I just ride with my mom. But at last I was at school, and saw my best friend Molly! But I've seen her all summer so it wasn't anything really. So then we went to check out lockers and such, my locker is all the way on the other side of the school! I'm probably not even going to use it that much because it's so far away from my classes. And I don't want to run back and forth and risk being late to class. That would not be cool. Nor fun. I wish I could change my schedule up a little bit too! I have lunch at 5th period, which is kinda okay with me, at least it's not 6th. I think I would die from starvation! But my morning classes are fine, but I have study hall 4th. And I'm still debating whether or not if I should take it out. I really, really, really want art! My cousin keeps telling me I need it for the career academy or whatever, so I'm trying to get in, but the counselor said the classes are full! So I'm stuck not knowing what to do. But my other friend said I don't need it. But I'd rather have it because I rather have the class and get it over with anyways. This is my last year at this high school if I could hopefully make it into that academy. I don't really like this school year so far though, it looks challenging. I'm not looking forward with that. But I think i'll survive. I just won't have as much fun as I did last year. I think last year was awesome! I wonder if this year will be the same, I somewhat doubt it but I have a whole year in front of me so we'll have to see from then on.