March 11, 2011

Oh no!

                       As most people know, today it's been a natural disastor. It's horrible! In Japan a huge, terrible tsunami hit Japan. :( And it's suppose to be having bad effects to Hawaii and also California... I'm scared. And also worried. I have family in both places. And then there's my boyfriend's family in Japan. Luckily they weren't hit though.
                    It's dumb how the Earth is able to do this. And I don't know why it would want to in the first place. This is just horrible. I hate this! Though so far not a lot of people have died as bad as it was for Chile. And this is a really bad earthquake. A 8.9! That's recorded in history now! And I've been looking at the photos and watching videos on CNN. Scary.
                  Why today? On my day for my geometry exam too. I hate geometry. Already stressing enough and now I have to worry. Life is just so unfair sometimes. I hope that everyone whose having to experience this is okay. I wish this wasn't even happening.

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